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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2015


I should start writing here more often because i'm not busy at all just lazy... Next month it's my first anniversary in London and right now i don't know if i'm happy or sad because i miss my friends and some people here is fake and make me wanna go back to spain... Why is so hard to find good friends when you are out of your hometown?? I'm sure that there are more people feeling lonely but i don't know why they don't wanna go out and meet people.. Anyway 5SOS have just landed in London so I think it's time to be 16 again hahahaha

Zibra again!

First of all, ZIBRA  has realeased a new song and I love it! Probably my favourite!!! But I can´t find anywhere now.. in spite of that I've been listening it this morning :( On tuesday They played a gig at The social (tiny tiny tiny basement) and I think that It was so much better than the one at The old blue last! They sound really good and their gigs are very funny, Sam is a good frontman. The setlist was similar to the one at the old blue last  because They haven´t released a lot of songs but I don´t know why They didn't play King, that song is at the top right now and their cover is awesome.. This time I didn´t talk with any of them because I saw them before the gig taking averything to the stage and after the gig I only saw Ben (I don't want that he make me feel bad agan) and Russi surrounded by a lot of people.. but it was nice to see ZIBRA again!

All time low are in London!!

All time low is an american band from Baltimore (USA), the members are Alex (voice and guitar), Jack (guitar), Zack (bass) and Rian (drums) and last monday They released their new record #FutureHearts so They came to London to do some promo. I love this band so much because They are nice and in spite of They have changed his music it's really good and catchy. This time I really wanna go to meet them due to the fact  that I have been really unlucky with this band in spain... and finally I did it! I went to the bbc on thursday because They played the Live Lounge... but it was full of teens screamming so I couldn´t meet them them properly... This made me a bit upset because I couldn't go to the signing in the afternoon. I don´t know how people knew that They were going to do an accoustic set for spotify so I didn't have tickets... but at 3 o'clock yesterday They said that They were going to do another singning in Kingston! but again I couldn´t go because of my job


McFly has been my favourite band since I was really young ad in spite of I don´t support Mcbusted too much this weekend has been mental!!! On saturday i was on the side but I could see everything because I was really close to the stage but not on the OMFG zone and I can´t describe the stage, the lightning.. INCREDIBLE!! What a great show. But on sunday I was on the OMFG zone, front row so nothing can beat it!! Mcbusted music is not good at all, I love beautiful lyrics and good melody but on them there is only good melody because the lyrics could had been written by me... Moreover there is a huge difference between Mcfly, Busted and Mcbusted songs... so I don´t think mixing them is a good idea because Mcbusted CD is crap... and Mcfly and Busted songs are quite awesome! On the other hand Mcbusted stage, lightning and efects beat everything! It shows how nerdy are them and his friendship, I love seeing them smiling and having fun all the time even though there are 2 bands in 1.

Back in London

It's easter holidays here in the uk so laste weekend i went to spain to visit my family and frinds.. I NEED IT SO MUCH! It has been one of the best weekend ever because i went partying with my friends, i went to "la huerta", i visited my family and i felt like I have really good friends again 😊 I think that my maine problem in London is that I wish I could be here with my friends so sometimes I feel lonely even though I have many friends ..they are no as good as my spanish ones but i have fun with them!  This week is crazy! In spite of i only work 3 days, 2 of them i work 13 hours... Being with my hostkid is not really hard because we play together a lot but I'm tired because of the weekend and i need to rest... I think a need another holidays.. Hahahaha