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Mostrando entradas de 2015

Barns Courtney @ The Scotch

La semana pasada fue mi cumpleaños y por eso me dieron el día libre en la familia y pude ir a ver a Barns Courtney a The Scotch! Fue impresionante porque su voz es de otro nivel.. Barnaby era el cantante de mi grupo favorito por excelencia, Dive Bella Dive, pero tras separarse el grupo, Barnaby desapareció del mapa.. fue entonces cuando Bradley Cooper decidió que la banda sonora de su nueva película "Burnt" seria "Burn " de Barnaby, ¡lo que le ha empezado a catapultar al éxito de nuevo! A las 8 de la tarde llegué a The Scotch porque según el planing el concierto empezaba entonces (Casi no encuentro el sitio, porque vimos a Barnaby entrar que sino aun sigo dando vueltas..), pero como en este tipo de conciertos las cosas van sobre la marcha aun quedaba un rato para empezar... por lo que decidí bajar con mi amiga donde iba a tocar él para ver como era.  La verdad es que me sorprendió bastante porque era un sitio enano y estaba vació... pero en ese justo momento ap

Museo del crimen de Londres

El pasado fin de semana fui al museo de Londres a ver la exposición que ha abierto la metropolitan police con diferentes pruebas reales de casos policiales ocurridos en Londres desde hace muchísimos años. Como veis el titulo ya muestra que es interesante pero... ¿Cual es mi opinión? ¡Una mierda! Para empezar decir que la exposición cuesta 15 libras y si la reservas por Internet con antelación puede llegar a costar solo 10, pero en mi opinión si quieren sacar dinero como mucho debería valer 5 libras porque es interesante pero no esta tan bien hecha... Dentro del museo te cuentan diferentes casos de asesinatos y otros crímenes y en la mayoría de los ellos están expuestas las pruebas policiales que utilizaron para resolver el caso e incluso hay algunas sogas que utilizaron para ahorrarles como castigo. Hasta aquí todo muy bien porque te enteras de que ocurrió y ves el instrumento real utilizado, además de que algunos casos son muy conocidos como el de Jack the ripper, entonces ¿Cual

5 seconds of summer

No me gusta escribir sobre 5sos porque no puedo ser objetiva ya que con ellos es todo fangirleo, pero creo que si puedo dar mi opinión acerca de su presencia en los AMA's porque... no me parece que estén yendo por el buen camino desde hace tiempo. Lo primero hablar de la alfombra roja. Por lo que vi en este año y anteriores, en la alfombra roja de estos premios las chicas se arreglan bastante y los chicos van poco más arreglados que para salir de fiesta, por lo que la linea es bastante informal. Cuando salieron del coche y los vi, yo no di crédito a como iban... Michael llevaba la camisa arrugadísima, Luke con tantos collares parecía M.A del equipo A, Calum no se debió de dar cuenta que con esas zapatillas el pantalón así le quedaba horrible y bueno, al menos Ashton iba decente... Creo que con una simple chaqueta a Michael y Luke los arreglaba ( ellos lo sabían, por ello en la afer party la llevaban). Como iban vestido este año en comparación con el año pasado da mucho que


Hoy iba a escribir sobre el nuevo disco de 5sos pero la verdad esque lo que más tengo en mente ahora es que quiero encontrar un trabajo de marketing y dejar la familia ya, asi que el post de hoy es para demostrar que frustrada estoy.. Para empezar decir que en Pamplona estudié la carrera de Administración y dirección de empresas, no tenía las mejores notas pero me la saqué en los 4 años que eran y solo tuve una vez una asignatura pendiente de un año a otro... econometría, que a día de hoy la sigo odiando..  Durante la carrera tuve que estudiar bastante porque no soy una de esas personas que lo entienden todo super rápido y sin estudiar lo sacan todo (en realidad no creo que esta gente exista, solo que la gente miente mucho) así que gran parte de mi organización a la hora de hacer las cosas la aprendí aquí. Nada más acabar la carrera estudié el MBA máster universitario en gestión de empresas deportivas "Alfredo Di- stefano" y el MBA máster universitario en gestión del entr

Blitz Kids, Farewell Tour London 2015

Hoy después de más de un mes quiero escribir sobre el último concierto de Blitz Kids al que fui y por desgracia el último de su carrera... ¿Porque se separan? Ni idea... pero viéndolos por primera y última vez me dio mucha rabia que grupos que ponen tanta ilusión en directo, por el mero hecho de no tener un millón de fans obsesionadas con ellos lo tengan que dejar.... Para el que no los conozca  aqui os dejo un enlace para que os informéis, pero a grandes rasgos era una banda de pop-rock de Chesire formada por Joe James (voz), Jono Yates (guitarra y coros), Nic Montgomery (bajo y coros) y Matt Freer (batería) que llegaron a ser teloneros de bandas como Tonight Alive, We The Kings o Mayday Parade y tocaron en festivales del nivel del Download, el Sonisphere o el Slam Dunk. El ambiente que había en el concierto era una pasada, acostumbrada a ir ultimamente a conciertos de grandes grupos que te cobran hasta por respirar y llenos de niñas chillando, en este concierto se veia que la ge

Cambios cambios cambios

A partir de hoy voy a empezar a escribir en castellano ya que como mi intención no es que este blog sea famoso, si escribo en inglés me da más pereza y lo dejo....


I’m back again (clap clap clap) and i think im going to start writing a lot here again!! The reason why I’ve been so busy this month has been that 5sos were in London and I also had to go to the app... But I don’t have to go anymore! I’ve been doing a lot of different things in a start-up called Doowapp whose product is a music message app (really cool I think) since the end of august. The main thing there for me was the social media, it was awful because they post info and news about a lot of unknown artists to promote them. In my opinion people should know you first to let them know about new artists… so my ideas and my boss ideas were completely different. On the other hand when I started my boss told me that the app was going to have different music styles, but now He has decided that He only wants urban music… I think this is a small niche and if He wants to achieve his goals (quite big in my opinion) He should have pop and charts music… In addition to this one day He asked

That's the spirit

Hellooooo! Today I am so happy because one of my spanish friends is coming to London to see One direction tomorrow with me and the American idiot musical on sunday!! :) But I am here writing again because I want to tell eeveryone that the new Bring me the horizon cd is incredible!! They released it 2 weeks ago but I didn´t want to write it before because I don't like the promotion they did... They looked like 1d or 5sos asking all the people to buy it and making all their friends talk about it.... Their music is not pop... I am glad that they hit the charts but I don't like what they did... :( I want to tell that We have already listened a few songs before the released and I loved them, but when I listened "Oh no" and "Blasphemy" I thought that the cd was epic even though I wasn't listened it complete.. Those ones are my faves but I also like "Follow you". As always the lyrics are really good and in spite of they have changed a lot their so

Mix of bands at @ Reading festival 2015

Today I am going to keep talking about Reading fest because there were so many good bands.. I would like to mention Neck Deep because They are one of my favourite bands at the moment. I discovered them last year at Reading fest on The pit tent and I am so glad that this year They played main stage. In my opinion their performance was awesome even though it was short... The set list was good, they played A part of me ( my favourite ) and made everyone sing along, they also played new tunes like Gold steps or cant kick up the roots which made the mosh pit go crazy! I wish I knew the lyrics because I would have loved sing every single song with them! I think in the future they are going to be huge! On the other hand I would like to talk about All time low. I am a huge fan of this band but I don't know what happened with them but I think They weren't very good... I saw them this year at The o2 and Wembley and it was so much better... The set list was ok but their p

Bring me the horizon @Reading 2015

Today I'm going to write about Bring me the horizon because They were my 2nd favourite act at Reading fest and also because I've just purchased a ticket to their London cd's singing and I can't believe that I'm going to meet them. It was the first time that They played "Throne" or "Happy song" live and They were epic! When I listened to Happy song on my computer I didn't like it but when you listened it live it's different, They opened their show with it and I wouldn't changed it for any other song. On the other hand I love Throne, it's one of my favourite BMTH songs! and the live version it's even better. I love going to BMTH gig's because their live show is incredible even though if you are a girl and you don't want to be in the mosh pit. The setlist was really good because they played their most important songs but I wanted to hear chelsea smile or maybe more old songs... Sice They realeased Sempiternal They hav

Panic! at the disco @Reading festival 2015

I´ve just come back from Reading festival and I DON´T HAVE WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT! In spite of last year the line up was so much better, this year was awesome. I think that in the next few days I am going to write some reviews from my favourite acts because I dont want to mix them all. Today I want to write about Panic! at the disco because for me It was the first time that I have seen them live even though I have been a fan for a long time... (I dont think they like spain too much) and also because for me they have been the best act from all the festival. First of all I want to talk about Brendon Urie's voice. It's incredible, that is why they did such an amazing cover of Bohemian Rapsody or sang their songs in that way with all the twists on them. In my opinion if he sang in another kind of band He would be very famous because of his voice, I think He is very underrated. On the other hand I would like to say that the setlist was perfect. They sang all of their famous song

Back from holidays

I´ve just come back from my holidays in spain and I am very upset because I had a job interview in Livenation and I ruined it.... But on the other hand... 2 weeks for Reading festival!!! I can´t wait to see  Neck Deep, As it is, The struts, Panic! at the disco, Simple plan, Bring me the horizon, All time low....

Holidays soon

I cant wait to go back to spain on saturday! I dont know what is happening but i am always tired and i dont want to take care of my hostkid anymore. I think it is time to change, but i cant find a new job.. I dont understand why i dont have at least a job interview.. My background qualifications are good and i feel very motivated to change my life!! Anyway... I have recently discovered Halsey and this song is stuck in my head since the first time i listen to it!

She is kinda hot

This week is crazy!! Yesterday my hostkid finished school and now i have to spend a lot of time with him. Last year i was happy with this but this year i am so done with the aupair life.. But today i want to talk about 5sos new single, "she is kinda hot". I think everybody knows 5 seconds of summer (5sos), if not you should check them out on youtube because even though they are very young they are really good! Listen to them with an open mind if not you are not going to be objective.. "She is kinda hot" has been written by 5sos and the Madden Brothers and its the first single of the 2nd album of the band. The first time I listened "SIKH" i was confused, i didnt know if i like it or not.. It was so different to their first Cd. On the new cd they want to change their sound, they want more guitars and drums and that is what they have done in this song but it sounds to Good Charlotte too much. I think that is a good idea that They write their songs

New entry..

I´m so busy right now, I am doing a Digital marketing course, starting a clothes online shop, studying english, doing exercise everyday... and taking care of my little Massi! so I don´t have so much free time to write here. But.. what the hell is happening with the fangirl life?? There are drama in all the fandoms!! Louis is going to be a dad, Ashton is saying lots of weird things in the interviews... Anyway I can´t wait to listen "She is kinda hot" by 5sos tomorrow! I can´t believe that I spent 2 hours yesterday watching a man painting a wall... #5sosruinedmylife On the other hand I can´t wait for my summer holidays! Finally I am going to be reunited with all my friends, even the boys from Santander! So to finish this I leave this song here.. I don´t know why but I love it!


Today's post is about what I did last wekend. Last month a friend told me that I should do a lot  of things (even unpaid jobs) to put in my cv that would help me find a good job. One of those things was being a volunteer so when I went home I did a research about that and I found that be a volunteer at some festivals was easy and fun so I applied for British Summer Time in Hyde Park. My first day was last saturday, when Taylor Swift was the headline act. My job was giving away wristbands and say "it's a special gift from Taylor Swift". The day was fun because the crazy fans reminds me of my teenage years and They also made funny comments about it like "i'm gonna keep it forever", "i'm gonna put it in my cock".. And after that I could see Taylor perfomance which was awesome! I thought It was gonna be worse, but She is a diva I am not gonna lie.. And the second day was quite different because my job was trying to encourage people to p

Lame school

Today I am really angry because a kid hit my hostkid and has left a small mark on his face and the only thing that the school has done is call the mum to tell her about the mark... The situation has been that my hostkid has shouted radioactive while He was listening the Imagine Dragons song. In that moment the kid slapped him saying that He had shouted in his ear... LIE! What did the teacher do?? Told off the kid and calling the mum saying that They can't do anything because We now my hostkid... It's "normal" that the kid has slapped him... WTF????????????????!!! The school is ok with that??? I think that if when the children are 9 years old is not the perfect time to stop de bullying and fights... when is time to stop it?? In my opinion in this school don't like children that aren't perfect and my hostkid obviously is not perfect, that is why He has so many problems... The school is Bishop Gilpin in Wimbledon, London and I think that is the biggest

Hi or hey!

I've been out of this blog for a month and the only reason has been 5SOS! I love this fucking band... I cant believe that the european leg of the tour is over 😰😰 come back soon please!! In the next post I will tell funny stories about these days but now im sad beacuse I wish I could go to see ZIBRA instead of being working...

This century

Why do all the bands that I like end up splittinq up? Today This Century has announced that... I'm really sad because I have only seen them once live... the day that I discovered them :( I hope that at least Joel create a new band soon, I love his voice! This picture is from the day that They came with The Maine to spain, what a day!!


Finally monday!!! I'm so happy because last week was the worst week ever, bugs, the problem with the kid, fake people.... On the other hand, last night at the Bilboard awards Taylor Swift released her new video and.... I HATE IT! why she is a diva now? I prefer the old Tay... I think they created so many expectations with the characters and the actors but I am sure that everyone is a bit disappointed with the result..


I can't believe what happened on friday.. On thursday night when I told Massi that He had to read He went to his room saying that He wasnt goona do that.. so I made him come back to the living room. On our way, He lay on the corridor so I pushed him in the carpet, in that moment He put his face on the carpet so He made a bruise on his face... He was laughing, it wasn't a punishment! I wanted him to read.. but if he didnt do that, nothing happened... Next morning I didn´t take him to school, It was his dad who did that so I didnt see his bruise. But when I was about to pick him from school his dad told me that the school has called the social services and He was going to go to school with me.. WTF?????  When we arrived to school We thought that maybe We had to talk with the teacher.. but no! We couldnt be with Massi until the social services arrived... So after 2.5 hours of waiting and talking with the school's headmaster the Ss arrived and I had to say what had


I cant believe that they played yesterday a the versus versace launch... So happy for them!

First anniversary in London

I remember the 4th of may of 2014 when after an awesome weekend in Birmingham watching McBusted I arrived to London to start my au pair experience.. To be honest everything started in the worst way  possible! When I was finally alone in Victoria station I had a panic attack and I called my mum telling her I wanted to come back to spain.... On my way home I get lost because my phone wasnt working properly... but when I arrived I realised that thefamily was really nice and the kid was so funny! The first thing we did together was playing monopoly hahaha The first months were really bad! I think he hated me... He ran from me everal times and cryed a lot! I was really upset due to the fact that I really liked him and I wanted that He had fun with me.... But one day after a playdate with his bestfriend He started behaving good and doing what I said!!! Now We have so much fun together!!! I think we are really good friends and in spite of I'm looking for a new job I hope We can keep i


I should start writing here more often because i'm not busy at all just lazy... Next month it's my first anniversary in London and right now i don't know if i'm happy or sad because i miss my friends and some people here is fake and make me wanna go back to spain... Why is so hard to find good friends when you are out of your hometown?? I'm sure that there are more people feeling lonely but i don't know why they don't wanna go out and meet people.. Anyway 5SOS have just landed in London so I think it's time to be 16 again hahahaha

Zibra again!

First of all, ZIBRA  has realeased a new song and I love it! Probably my favourite!!! But I can´t find anywhere now.. in spite of that I've been listening it this morning :( On tuesday They played a gig at The social (tiny tiny tiny basement) and I think that It was so much better than the one at The old blue last! They sound really good and their gigs are very funny, Sam is a good frontman. The setlist was similar to the one at the old blue last  because They haven´t released a lot of songs but I don´t know why They didn't play King, that song is at the top right now and their cover is awesome.. This time I didn´t talk with any of them because I saw them before the gig taking averything to the stage and after the gig I only saw Ben (I don't want that he make me feel bad agan) and Russi surrounded by a lot of people.. but it was nice to see ZIBRA again!

All time low are in London!!

All time low is an american band from Baltimore (USA), the members are Alex (voice and guitar), Jack (guitar), Zack (bass) and Rian (drums) and last monday They released their new record #FutureHearts so They came to London to do some promo. I love this band so much because They are nice and in spite of They have changed his music it's really good and catchy. This time I really wanna go to meet them due to the fact  that I have been really unlucky with this band in spain... and finally I did it! I went to the bbc on thursday because They played the Live Lounge... but it was full of teens screamming so I couldn´t meet them them properly... This made me a bit upset because I couldn't go to the signing in the afternoon. I don´t know how people knew that They were going to do an accoustic set for spotify so I didn't have tickets... but at 3 o'clock yesterday They said that They were going to do another singning in Kingston! but again I couldn´t go because of my job


McFly has been my favourite band since I was really young ad in spite of I don´t support Mcbusted too much this weekend has been mental!!! On saturday i was on the side but I could see everything because I was really close to the stage but not on the OMFG zone and I can´t describe the stage, the lightning.. INCREDIBLE!! What a great show. But on sunday I was on the OMFG zone, front row so nothing can beat it!! Mcbusted music is not good at all, I love beautiful lyrics and good melody but on them there is only good melody because the lyrics could had been written by me... Moreover there is a huge difference between Mcfly, Busted and Mcbusted songs... so I don´t think mixing them is a good idea because Mcbusted CD is crap... and Mcfly and Busted songs are quite awesome! On the other hand Mcbusted stage, lightning and efects beat everything! It shows how nerdy are them and his friendship, I love seeing them smiling and having fun all the time even though there are 2 bands in 1.

Back in London

It's easter holidays here in the uk so laste weekend i went to spain to visit my family and frinds.. I NEED IT SO MUCH! It has been one of the best weekend ever because i went partying with my friends, i went to "la huerta", i visited my family and i felt like I have really good friends again 😊 I think that my maine problem in London is that I wish I could be here with my friends so sometimes I feel lonely even though I have many friends ..they are no as good as my spanish ones but i have fun with them!  This week is crazy! In spite of i only work 3 days, 2 of them i work 13 hours... Being with my hostkid is not really hard because we play together a lot but I'm tired because of the weekend and i need to rest... I think a need another holidays.. Hahahaha

Fucking weird people

I can't believe what happened to me 2 days ago... I was on the tube with my hostkid and hostdad on our way home from the doctor when we realised that there was a man (dress with typical arabic clothes) sitting on 3 chairs when the tube was full... and on that moment He turned to me and said "Can you go out of my way?" I was shocked because I was up on the other side of the train... WTF?? My hostdad asked him to leave me alone when He said that He didn't wanna fight... WTF????? Finally we had to move far from him.... I'm glad that this happen on our way home because on our way to the doctor I was with Melis on my own...  Sometimes I hate the world! On the other hand... WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED WITH ZAYN???? Modest modest modest... ..l.

One night with All time low

Last friday was so fucking incredible! I don't know how many times I have seen The straight to DVD by All time low so I cannot believe that I was in Wembley while They were recording their second DVD!!! The setlist was nearly perfect, They played Jasey Rae and Remembering Sunday!! 2 of my favourite ATL songs and They don't play it that much now!!! The lightning and stage effects were really cool and They invite on stage to sing with them Josh Francechi and Casadee Pope!!! For me the best thing about All time low is when They play live! Their energy and sense of humour are always there so You are never bored even though You don't like the song They are playing on that moment. The supporting bands were great too, I couldn't arrive on time to see Real Friends but Neck Deep is Neck Deep!!! Ben's voice is different and I really like it so I enjoyed it so much. On the other hand, I think that the organisation was bad because the stage times on the SSE arena web

I finally met ZIBRA

7th april 2012 around 20:30 I was waiting for McFly at the Apollo in London when a weird band took the stage putting a lot of naked mannequins on it. That band was Dive Bella Dive. I remember when they started singing! I fell in love with them during the first song, they were different! The drummer were so hot, the guitarrist was weird looking, the singer was pretty but SO weird and the bassist.... EL BOY (his nickname came from his cap). In that moment I didnt know was going to happen.... After a few days in London with one of my besties We finally came back and that was when I started following them on twitter and listening on youtube... THEY WERE  AWESOME!!! I was really obsessed with the band so while They were doing a twitcam I decided do create Dive Bella Dive Sp... that was how everything started... So last thursday after a really long time wanted to meet them I finally did it at The old blue last. They are not DBD anymore but now 2/4 are ZIBRA, and Barnaby was also ther

My hostkid is a youtuber

My hostkid is a youtuber now so if anyone reading this has a youtube account SUBSCRIBE?!?!?!?!?


I can´t believe that I am going to see this band on thursday...
Yesterday at this time more or less Omnilotus gave me my first proper job in my whole life! I was so happy but I have to refuse it :( It was comission based, I had to be freelance.. it was so inestable and I can´t leave the Melis family because of it.. I hope a find a new job soon, a good one because I feel like I'm gonna be working here forever.. :(
I can't believe that I'm on the next level of my job interview,, I thoght It wasn't very good  but I made it!! Tomorow I have to be on their office the whole day and I'm going to die :( I dont know what to do or how to dress..

Job interview

Tomorrow I have another job interview!! The company is not the most interesting one but I need experience so... lets do it!! I have also applied for a job in HMV hahaha I prefer HMV to the office but...  I dont know what to ask in the interview or how to act.. I'm so scared.

The O.C

I can't believe that I'm watching The O.C again.. but It's one on my favourite series EVER!!

One day more

Today I've had my first ever proper job interview and It has been rubbish...I should stop being shy! Anyway yesterday The brits awards were worse than I expected but I love Taylor Swift performance. PS: Madonna's fail was epic!

The Brits awards!

The Brits awards are tonight and my predictions are.. -Bitish video: Ed Sheeran "Thinking out loud" -British breackthrough act: Sam Smith -Martercard british album: Sam Smith "In the lonely hour" -British female solo artist: Lily Allen -British male solo artist: Ed Sheeran -British group: One Direction -International male solo artist: Beck -International female solo artist: Taylor Swift -International group: 5sos!! -British single: Mark Ronson Ft Bruno Mars  "Uptown Funk " Let's see whats happen!!

You me at six

I don't know how to describe last sunday... I saw You me at six last week at The O2 and last sunday at a really tiny tiny venue... there weren't more than 2 hundred people! When I arrived to the venue, the last supporters were about to finish ( I don´t know their name because I didn´t like them) and I was surprise when I saw the small place with only a few people there and what is more I was so surprise when I saw one of the Bring me the horizon guitar tech there ( I don't know how I can remember his face, I guess I'm such a freak). The set list wasn´t very good in my opinion, It was similar to the one at The O2, but It sounded so much better in that venue. I was with a friend who doesn't like Ymas but after the gig she said She enjoyed it so much. My favourite Ymas song is crash and when I listened it there I had to be strong because I didn't wana cry... On the other hand, the crowd was so good because nobody push me and everyone had a very good time. Mor

As it is

I´ve just applied for a job and I didn't look what kind of music is the company interested.... the company is into indie music and I've just said that I like pop-punk... FAIL! Anway I've written a review so... why not post it here??   As it is at The old blue last The 29th of January As It is played at The Old Blue Last as a supporting band for Save Your Breath with The Cardinals. As It Is is a pop-punk band from Brighton formed by Andy, Ben, Foley, Ali and Patty, this last one is really famous on the YouTube world for his covers of bands like My chemical romance, 5 seconds of summer or even the movie “Frozen”. When As it is took the stage around 9:30 there were some loyal fans well known by the band and lot of hard-core fans dressed in black who went crazy when the band played “Can’t save myself” or “Dial Tones”, their biggest hits. Next summer they are going to play Warped tour in the USA and I’m sure that that’s going to be a boom for their lifes and they will

You me at six at The O2 arena

Today's post is about the other co-headline at the O2 arena, for me my favourite so far! All time low was awesome but You me at six is.... YOU ME AT SIX! The setlist wasn't my favourite because I missed songs like Liquid conference or Always attract or newer ones like Cold night and I would remove Contagious chemistry or The dilemma. 1. Room to breathe 2. Stay with me 3. Loverboy 4. Contagious Chemistry 5. The consequence 6. No one does it better 7. Underdog 8. Carpe Diem 9. The dilemma 10. Reckless 11. Crash 12. Fireworks 13. Forgive and forget 14. Bite my tongue 15. Fresh start ever 16. Lived a lie When All time low left the stage, lots of teenagers swapped places with a bit older boys and girls and everyone started to sing You me at six together until the band finally took the stage. Josh was wearing a hood which made him look like a hardcore boy and He started to sing Room to breath followed by all the loyal sinners. The crowd was crazy, They eve

All time low at the O2 arena

I remember the first DCODE edition in Madrid, Sum 41, My chemical romance and All time low! It was going to be the best day in my life until All time Low's van broke down near Madrid and They couldn´t arrive on time to play a proper gig in the maine stage.... at least They did an acoustic set in a small stage. So yesterday after 4 years I finally saw All time low live!!! The gig was at The O2 arena in London and They co-headlined with You me at six. On my opinion the setlist wasn't very good but they have so many good songs and It's hard to choose only 15. 1. A love like war 2. Lost in stereo 3. Heroes 4. Stella 5. Dammed if I do ya (dammed if I don't) 6. Forget about it 7. The irony of chocking on a lifesaver 8. Weighless 9. Therapy 10. Somewhere in neverland 11. Backseat serenade 12. Time-bomb 13.Something's gotta give 14.The reckless and the brave 15. Dear Maria. Count me in Their set was so energetic and full of teena


     As I look round this make shift moving house I'm searching for whatever's left of me It's on the ground in a box that reads lost and found. It's lost and found. She said, just let it go. She said, it's all you've ever known. And I'm, I'm already gone I'm already something to someone that I don't know. When will I know? And I'm, I'm out making rounds On every side of town That I've been through, that I know. To find my reason to come back home. I've worked it out you'll always bring me down. From here on out I'm doing things for me. I'm impatient now. I'm not the type for life alone, I need someone. She said, just let it go. She said, it's all you've ever known. And I'm, I'm already gone I'm already something to someone that I don't know. When will I know? And I'm, I'm out making rounds On every side of to

You me at six

I cant wait to see you again in 9 days! I hope you sing crash, fireworks and liquid confidence, that would be epic! Moreover All time low is coheadlining! I'm sure it's gonna be one of the best nights in my life :_____                         Music tag!! Put your music on shuffle and put down the first 5 songs 1- you know what they do to guys like us in prison - Mcr 2-young and useless - this century 3-seen it all before - bring me the horizon 4- one for the road - arctic monkeys 5- man down - rihanna

I miss my friends

I miss my friends so much and that's why I have decided to upload videos on youtube for them hahaha

5 months friendship anniversary!

I remember when i was waiting for Sandra to go and try to meet 5sos... I saw you and Elvira! Then after 10 minutes waiting outside the hotel you started talking to us because we were talking about Blink and mcfly :_                                   We love the same things but we are so different and that os awesome! 5sos make us friends but Our last night help us too!

My mad fat diary

This series sum up my life right now... I love it!

Patty Walters

I cant remember when or how I found Patty Walters on youtube but I love his covers. I like how he can play the guitar, bass, drums.. HE IS THE BAND! The thing is that today after a really long time I have finally met him!! He is so nice and cute! Just when Cami and i have arrived to the venue he was talking with a girl outside... SHOCK! He was there! I couldnt believe it! Inside the pub there were a lot of hardcore people, it was really awesome until i have seen Simon  from Young guns... I wanted a pic with him because he is my favoure from YG but i was so nervous and nobody was fangirling.. :( The gig has been at The old blue last in Shoreditch and it has started with The cardinals, they are not bad but they are a bit boring... After them it has been the time for As it is, they are really cool! I'm sure that after The Warped tour they are going to be very famous. And finally Save your breath has played their last gig in London, it has been the first time i have see

Welcome to my life

I´ve been thinking about the idea of this blog for a long time but a lot of things are going to change in my life soon (I hope) so... Let's do it! I´m writing in english because I´m living in London to improve my english and I never write anything... :S